Colostomy reversals

If you get a temporary colostomy to help the part heal, you may get a reversal. This is usually only done when you’ve gotten good health and recovered, about three months after you get colostomy surgery. This is usually delayed as well if you need chemotherapy, or if you didn’t recover initially. There isn’t a time limit though, and some may get it for a few years before they need to reverse this. Here, we’ll go over what that entails, and why it may be done. 

How it’s carried out.

Usually, this is pretty easy, and it involves the cut being put around the stoma to get to the inner part of your abdomen, and then, the upper part that used to be a stoma is then attached to the rest of the colon. It also may include a larger incision to reattach both parts of the colon. This does take longer for recovery, and there is a much larger amount of complications. 


This can sometimes take up to 10 days to recover. It is going to take a bit before you have normal bowel movements, and you may experience diarrhea and constipation o this, but it does normally get better as time goes along.  You also may deal with a bottom which is sore after you get the reversal, but you get used to this as well. You may want to was the skin around the anal opening with some water that’s warm, pat it dry, and then use a barrier cream. You shouldn’t use wipes, tissues, or calcium powder since that can irritate the skin immensely in a lot of cases. You also may find that you need to use the bathroom a whole lot more, and that’s very normal. You may also feel a bit of bowel incontinence as well, and occasionally leakage from this too. Finally, you may have more flatulence as well after all of this. It usually is a smaller procedure, but it does take a bit of time to recover. People usually get this if they’re able to have their colon saved, or if there was damage and it just needed to be recovered, but it didn’t require a full end colostomy for the individual. It also is used when they don’t need to remove the large bowel or rectum in most cases. 

What do you eat

This is something that you have to take precaution with since the digestive tract may be a little sensitive after this. You should avoid eating those larger meals, and try to eat it later at night, and eat little and more frequently. You should try to limit citrus fruits, as the acids in this can affect the way the gut reacts to this. You also may not be able to handle spicy foods including curries and sauces, so be mindful of this. You also shouldn’t have super fatty meals either. Finally, do be mindful of the fiber tat you have.  Those that also increase gas as well in the body also should be avoided, so try to avoid spinach, onions, and cabbages too. If you do consume alcohol and drinks that have fizz, you may want to avoid this too. With this though, you should make sure that you definitely take it slow, and feel around, seeing how your body reacts to certain substances. If you find that your body can handleall of this quite readily, ten great. Otherwise, if your body can’t handle it, try not to consume too much, and also be mindful of what you’re eating and the effects of it as well.